Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Picture Purge

This past month has been pretty uneventful.  Just full of overtime for Sean, and sickness for me and the kids.  More comfy clothes and snuggle time.
 Of all the places they choose to chill, they almost always pick the tile entryway.  I can't figure it out.  It's hard, and it's FREEZING cold.

 Sean finally got himself the T.V. he's been wanting for a while.  That meant decor changes for me ;)  Here he is putting the finish on the tv stand we got from Ikea, but of course I had to paint it first and replace the boring knobs.  I couldn't have a boring old tv stand!!

 I knew Sean wanted a large T.V.  What I didn't know was exactly how big it was...I almost pooped my pants when the box showed up at our door.
 Look closely at Logan's face...he was in man heaven with his dad while they set it up.

 I mentioned sickness, and on this particular day Logan wasn't doing good so he was laying on the couch watching a movie.  The next thing I know, Mara was dragging out all his blankets and pillows.  She meticulously tucked him in and then climbed up to spoon him.  She is seriously so compassionate.
 Logan is a back seat driver.  No joke.  He yells at me to STOP, GO, SLOW DOWN, GO FASTER!  It drives me bananas.  Sean's brother bought him a PS3 for Christmas and a few games.  Logan has taken his love of backseat driving to new heights by bossing around Sean while he plays the PS3.
 I am pretty lucky because my kids really do love vegetables.  This was Mara devouring her asparagus.  She kept asking for more, more, more!  No one believes me how veggie crazy my kids are so I had to get a pic.  I love that they love healthy foods.
 Daddy makes them laugh whenever he's around.  The noise level in our house goes up exponentially when Sean is home.  It's out of control...
 After mentioning their love of veggies, here is proof that they love the regular stuff too ;)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Best Buds

Can you even handle how cute they are?  I sure can't!
The picture above and below show their favorite way to watch TV.  On their tummies criss-crossing their legs.  They just play footsies the entire time.

These 2 are best friends.  They are also virtually the same size right now.  It's hilarious.  We decided to get Logan a booster seat since he does have about 3-4 pounds on Mara and she already has one!
This picture does their sizes justice.  It's awesome.  They wear the same size shoes, but Mara's legs are longer so she has bigger pants even though her waist is smaller than his.

I love these crazy animals of mine.

This is a conversation I had with Logan the other day:

Me: Logan, you can't just climb up on the counters and up the shelves.  You could fall down and get    really hurt!
Logan: Yeah, but I could fall off the couch too.

No joke, he is a crazy animal.  He also rolled his eyes at me for the first time while saying that.  Something he has picked up from his big sister.  Who undoubtedly picked that up from me.  Oops.  He is officially a Sunbeam now, but it's still up in the air whether or not he likes it.  He gets upset when we drop him off.  He went through random phases of that with nursery too.  I overhead him telling Mara that: "One day I will be big like Daddy, so I will go to class with him."  I think he'd just rather chill with Sean than anyone/anywhere else.  He is somewhat obsessed with Sean.  Which is freaking adorbs.  Everything he does is "what daddy does" or "what daddy eats" or "what daddy says".  His favorite time of day is when it's time to go wake daddy up.  Most days he absolutely refuses to let me go wake up Sean with him.  He says it's his job. 

Mara is really into reading stories to herself and lately her favorite stories to "read" are the scriptures.  It's amazing how much she remembers, and equally crazy are the stories she comes up with out of nowhere.  The other day she read a story like this: "Moses was our first prophet. He was a little boy once. He was nice. The End." 

She is super smart and is definitely ready for Kindergarten.  She got her shots like a champ.  Not one single tear.  She most definitely got that from Sean, not me.  We did learn that she needs her tonsils and adenoids out.  Apparently it's not normal for a 4 year old to snore like an old man, quit breathing at night, gag on her food, and have dragon breath 24/7.  Who knew?  We've known for a while that she probably needed it, but now that we've actually started the process I feel super guilty for waiting so long.  Sorry Rue!  One day when you are a poor college student and a parent, you'll understand.  I hope.  Don't worry, no need to call the authorities on us, if we were ever told at any point that she definitely needed it we would have made it happen.  It's just finally gotten to that point.  

Have I mentioned how responsible she is?  Most days she does her chores like a champ without complaint, and most days she is very willing to help Logan when I ask her to.  

I couldn't ask for 2 more adorable kiddos.  

Christmas Festivities

No joke, we woke up to Logan saying "Come look at my new choo choo train!!"  Apparently our hall blocking with the love sac was unsuccessful...

Notice the blur behind Mara?  That's Logan.  Most of the photos are blurry.  Neither one of them could hold still for a second.  Most especially Logan.

Sean worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Super lame.

We had presents for the kids to open under the tree this year.  They thought that was super awesome.  We do one big gift from Santa and then wrap some from us.

Figuring out her Leap Pad with daddy

He seriously did this donkey kick thing in circles all morning.

Sean had the day after Christmas off, so we took the kids on FrontRunner up to Temple Square. 

Logan passed out while waiting for it to get dark.  We had walked a loooong ways and the poor dude was super tired.  While we stopped into Kneaders for some hot chocolate he crashed.

Mara was a trooper.  As usual.  So her and daddy went to visit the Disney store while I stayed and snuggled my sleeping Logan.  I'm pretty sure some people were annoyed that I was sitting there all by myself since it was super crowded....oh well.

Grandpa Evans works in Salt Lake so he joined us to see the lights.  The kids thought that was quite awesome.

We almost froze to death waiting for Front Runner to take us home.
Christmas was awesome!